This qualification has been allocated UCAS points. Please refer to the UCAS website for further details of the points allocation and the most up-to-date information.
About this qualification
The Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care has been designed to enable learners to access Higher Education or assist with progression into the workplace.
This qualification has been designed and written by a team of subject matter experts, and we have involved employers and Higher Education Institutions in the review of the content.
What does it cover?
This qualification covers a wide range of key subject areas in health and social care. The Extended Diploma includes a wide range of optional units, allowing learners to pursue an interest in the specific areas of social care, health studies and health sciences, while still allowing enough diversity for the optional units to be tailored to suit a learner’s preferred progression path.
Who is it suitable for?
This qualification is suitable for learners aged 16 or above who wish to progress on to Higher Education.
Experience in a real work environment
Learners will be required to attend placement in a real work environment to support their learning. The minimum required number of placement hours are 175 (including 75 hours completed during the Certificate).
Entry requirements of Higher Education Institutions may specify the need for more work experience.
What are some examples of suitable work placement settings for learners?
Placement is a crucial element of the learner’s journey. Listed below are some examples of appropriate settings which could support learners:
• Adult Residential Care Home
• Nursing Home
• Day Centre
• Children’s Centre
• Health Centre
• Supported/Sheltered Accommodation
• Domiciliary/Community care
• Respite Care
• Residential Schools
• Assessment Centre
• Special Schools
• Hospital
• Specialised Voluntary Groups
What are the entry requirements?
Learners must be at least 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements
How long will it take to complete?
Learners will usually be able to achieve the Extended Diploma in two years.
What qualifications can you progress to?
Achievement of the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care supports learners’ access to Higher Education and progression into a wide range of job roles within the health and social care sector.
Which type of job roles can you apply for on completion?
This qualification does not provide a licence to practise, but may support progression into a wide range of job roles in the health and social care sector, including:
• Care Support Workers in adult residential settings
• Healthcare Assistants in Community, Primary Care and Acute Health Environment
• Care Support Workers in Domiciliary Services, Supported Living or Day Services
• Community-Based Support Worker
Unit Breakdown
1.Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care (K/507/1406)
2.Human Growth and Development (M/507/1407)
3.Safeguarding in Health and Social Care (T/507/1408)
4.Communication in Health and Social Care (J/507/1431)
5.Infection Prevention and Control in Health and Social Care (L/507/1432)
6.Psychological Perspectives in Health and Social Care (R/507/1433)
7.Sociological Perspectives in Health and Social Care (Y/507/1434)
8.Working in Health and Social Care (D/507/1435)
9.Reflective Practice (H/507/1436)
10.Empowerment in Health and Social Care (K/507/1437)
11.Protection of Children, Young People and Adults in Health and Social Care (M/507/1438)
12.Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care (T/507/1439)
14.Research Skills for Health and Social Care (K/507/1440)
15.Personal and Professional Development (M/507/1441
Qualification summary – Extended Diploma |
Title |
NCFE CACHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health andSocial Care |
Qualification number |
601/6110/3 |
Aim |
To provide learners with the knowledge, understanding andskills essential to the health and social care sector, and to support progression into Higher Education or the workplace. |
Total Qualification Time (hours) |
1491 |
Guided Learning(hours) |
1185 |
Minimum age of learner |
16 |
Real work environment (RWE) requirement / recommendation |
Learners will be required to attend placement in a real work environment to support their learning. The minimum requirednumber of placement hours is 175 hours (100 hours if learners have already successfully completed the Certificate). |
Rules of combination |
In order to achieve the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health andSocial Care, learners must achieve fourteen mandatory units, threeunits from Optional Group 1 and one unit from Optional Group 2. |
Progressionincluding Job Roles (where applicable) |
Upon achievement of this qualification learners will be able to access Higher Education and progress into a wide range of job roleswithin the health and social care sector. |
Recommended assessmentmethods |
Portfolio of evidence; two extended assessments (one covering the ‘core mandatory’ units and one covering the ‘diploma mandatory’ units). |
Additionalassessment requirements |
All units must be assessed in line with the Level 3 ExtendedDiploma in Health and Social Care Assessment Strategy and Principles. |
Grading system |
A* – D |
UCAS Points |
This qualification has been allocated UCAS points. Please refer to the UCAS website for further details of the points allocation and themost up- to-date information. |
How long will it take to complete? |
Learners will usually be able to achieve the Extended Diploma in two years (or one year if they have already successfully completed the Certificate). |
Entry requirements / recommendations |
Learners must be 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements but Centers may have their own requirements. |
About this qualification |
This is a regulated qualification. The regulated number for this qualification is 601/6110/3. |
The Level 3 Award, Certificate and Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care have been designed to enableyou to access Higher Education, and will also support your progression into the workplace.
These qualifications have been designed and written by a team of subject matter experts, and we have involved employers and Higher Education Institutions in the review of the content. All three qualifications have been awarded UCAS points.
The mandatory units (Group A) provide you with an in-depth knowledge of key subject areas in health andsocial care. We have also included a range of optional units, allowing you to pursue an interest in the specific areas of Social Care, Health Studies and Health Sciences to suit your preferred progression path. The high level of knowledge and skills required to achieve these qualifications enables you to progress to Higher Education within health and social care, or a related field of study, as well as further learning at Level 4 and above.
£3.500 2 years inc registration and exam fees